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11 Technological Trends That May Shape Life After Revival

Technologies that are set to change the landscape of tomorrow.

Over the years, society has learned to evolve and adapt to scientific breakthroughs and innovative technologies. It’s difficult to say where the planet might be in 100 years' time, but one can still speculate, and the past provides some good clues. For example, when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, no one could have foreseen its meteoric rise. In fact, Bell offered the American communications company, Western Union, the rights to his patent. Unfortunately for them, Western Union turned down the idea, citing the “obvious limitationsof the device, “which is hardly more than a toy.   

From phones and televisions to planes and space crafts, there have always been naysayers to dispute inventions that seem impossible. This is why industry pioneers exist - to push a boundary and advance a cause regardless of the deterring pessimists. Today, society’s understanding of the digital world and how technology has improved lives allows people to learn from the past and recognize the potential for the future. 

As the leading and fastest-growing cryonics company in Europe, Tomorrow Bio remains focused on scientific facts when predicting trends. While we continue to develop our own research, we remain optimistic about what the future holds if and when revival is possible. We believe that mainstream human cryopreservation could be viable someday despite skepticism. So, if that day comes, what will you be most looking forward to? Opportunities for space travel, robotics, virtual realities, and so much more awaits. 

Technological Trends 

“Every man is an impossibility until he is born; everything is impossible until we see a success” - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Right now, a lot of exciting things are happening in the tech sphere that couldn’t possibly fit into one article. Instead, Let’s take a look at 11 important findings that are set to change the world.  

Robotics & AI

Emotional Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere today in the form of voice and facial recognition, Google Maps, and fitness monitoring on  wearable devices, to name a few. Emotional artificial intelligence takes the idea of AI a step further, where machines can sense, learn, and interact with emotions - a fundamental element of being human. 

Emotional AI could be beneficial in many applications by using the concept of empathy and conceptual understanding. This tool would be highly advantageous in diagnosing illnesses like dementia and depression through voice analysis. By tracking human emotion, the technology could also be used in fraud detection, driver safety, and intelligent call center routing. 


Robots are often used at home and in the workplace today. Machines are tasked with repetitive manual processes and can even offer a hand as wait staff in bars and restaurants. From cobots to drones, there has been enormous progress in the field over the years, and there is still so much left to discover. Industrial robots are becoming increasingly effective in the manufacturing sector, and it’s possible that factories will be completely automated by the next century. While there are anxieties that robots will take over the workforce, their presence would be useful in certain roles. Machines could acquire positions that are time consuming, physically demanding, and sometimes dangerous to humans. 

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last fifteen years (or cryopreserved inside a dewar), you have probably heard the names Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and most likely Meta. The Metaverse is a digital universe created by Meta (formerly Facebook) that allows users to experience their presence in a virtual environment. However, the concept of the metaverse was originally coined by science-fiction author Neal Stephenson in 1992, who now, too, has his sights set on building one. Aside from Meta and Neal, there are dozens of other companies working on Metaverse projects. It’s expected that the Metaverse’s economic projections could reach $2.5 trillion by 2030, making it the universe of the future. Along with personal use, the Metaverse has the potential to innovate businesses. It allows users to communicate quickly and to use immersive simulations for meetings and creative planning. Could you imagine waking up after cryopreservation in a virtual world? 

Beyond this, researchers also believe that virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) could be integrated seamlessly with the human body.  AR contact lenses are in development and comprise micro-LED displays that place information inside the wearer’s eyes. The concept is that the lenses can eventually be used to display things like text messages and the weather, changing the way a person consumes data. Imagine you are on holiday sightseeing and you see an old building that you are eager to learn more about. The lenses could present all the information in front of you, making “Googling” a thing of the past. 

Contact lenses on a pink and blue background
AR contact lenses will completely change how a person consumes data in the future


Self-Driving & Automotive Cars 

Self-driving cars already exist among the rich today, however, it’s expected that they will become more popular in the future. The motor industry plans to see autonomous vehicles taking the roads by storm, which would be hugely influential on the lives and safety of drivers and passengers. 

According to the DEKRA Road Safety Report, human error accounts for almost 90% of road accidents in Europe. A driverless car, therefore, doesn’t put the driver or passenger at risk through reckless driving, speeding, drowsiness, or impairment. Furthermore, autonomous vehicles could also lead to less congestion on the roads. If cars could communicate with each other, they could change their route based on traffic jams, accidents, or roadworks. As a nervous driver, the idea of driverless cars in the future is very appealing to me. How do you feel about not taking the wheel in an extended life? 

Hyper-Fast Trains

Hyperloop is a high-speed underground train that is currently being developed in the United States. A planned route on the hyper-fast train from New York to Washington D.C. is expected to take 29 minutes, instead of its usual length of 2 hours and 56 minutes. Once developed, these trains are expected to venture underground and underwater, which will radically alter both public and international transportation and infrastructure.

Space Tourism 

Considered a pipe dream in the early 1900s, commercial flights are an everyday occurrence with thousands of take-offs and landings every day. In fact, according to The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, Eurocontrol, over 30,000 flights on average leave the continent everyday. Now, companies like Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and Blue Origin believe space travel will be as common as hopping on a plane to Ibiza for the weekend. One question that clouds the concept of space tourism is the time and distance it takes to journey between planets, and cryogenic sleep could be the answer. Adopting similar techniques seen in nature, cryogenic sleep is a type of artificially-induced human hibernation. An individual could stay in a chamber on board a spacecraft for months on end, before waking up on a new planet without noticing time passing. 

The introduction of space travel comes with market innovation, a boost in scientific research, and an overhaul of the tourism industry. It may also make planet colonization a possibility with Mars most likely being the first destination. What would be your port-of-call after waking up from cryonics? 

Healthcare & Food 

Gene Predictions 

Extensive research is being carried out in genetics and genomics that could revolutionize medicine. According to The National Library of Medicine about 8% of the world’s population or 25 million Europeans are diagnosed with a recognised genetic disorder. Understanding how variations in an individual’s DNA can affect disease and health could lead to innovative ways in diagnosing diseases, providing earlier detection, and offering new treatment approaches. In the years ahead, diseases like heart disease, or diabetes could be predicted to aid in faster treatment for patients. This alone could also pave the way for things like personalized medicine rather than a ‘one size fits all’ drug treatment. 

Colorful pills section in a clear plastic container
Personalized medicine could be life-changing for patients


Nanorobotics could be instrumental in curing diseases by destroying or detecting malignant cells and toxins. They could also be used in repairing organs, and performing complex surgical procedures. This could mean less time in the hospital and shorter recovery time for patients. It’s also been speculated that nanotechnology could be utilized in the revival process after cryopreservation. Right now, Tomorrow Bio is tasked with improving the cryonics procedure. In decades to come, however, the focus will shift towards reviving patients out of cryopreservation. If experts could master cell repair, regeneration and synthesis through nanotechnology, it could prove revolutionary in the cryopreservation field. 

3D Printing 

Advancements in 3D printing could be groundbreaking for future societies. In 2021, labs began developing this technology to print food. While very much in its infancy, 3D food printing would mean personalized meals to benefit individuals with restricted dietary requirements. It also allows for easy reproducibility, where you and your friends can share recipes as simple as transferring files online. Moreover, by using foods that are abundant and easily sourced, the 3D-printing tech could have an impact on relieving hunger around the world. 

Additionally, 3D printing is being developed in other areas, such as creating airplane and car parts or used in hospitals for replacement joints like hips. There are also exciting advancements in 3D bioprinting. Bioprinters use cells and biomaterials to create tissue-like structures, such as organs, which could be crucial in organ transplants in years to come. Patients on waiting lists seeking an organ match could have their lives changed with personalized 3D organs printed out at the drop of a hat. 

The Environment 

Green Energy Technology 

In the face of climate change and requirements for sustainability, green energy technology could be the answer. A plethora of research is being carried out in the field; solutions like generating electricity from waste, and converting discarded plastic into materials for paving roads are being tested. Along with recycling and re-engineering, scientists predict other technologies could provide clever sustainable solutions, such as sand batteries, high-rise farms, and solar panel technology. Companies today are even developing new ways to integrate solar power into car roofs that could power in-car technology and make the battery last longer. 

Taking advantage of creative solutions instead of using fossil fuels, and implementing technological capabilities could help society reach a point of sustainable superabundance. Utilizing things like green tech, robotics, biotech, AI, and more can provide society with the means to live better. With this in mind, if a person is revived in the future, they should be welcomed into a well-nourished world. 

Human Cryopreservation 

Cryonics is an advanced medical procedure that allows a person to be preserved and stored for an indefinite amount of time after their legal death. The final goal is to cure their causes of death and revive them in the future. Although in ideal cases patients can be cryopreserved with minimal cellular damage, the  technology for revival has yet to be developed. Presently, when a patient undergoes cryopreservation with Tomorrow Bio, they are stored indefinitely in cryogenic dewars in Rafz, Switzerland, until science advances enough so that they can one day be revived. 

To date, there has been no research to state that a revival isn’t possible. Since its conception in 1962 by Robert Ettinger in his book The Prospect of Immortality, cryonics has made leaps and bounds. Tomorrow Bio continues to conduct and review the best cryoprotectants and vitrification methods to ensure that patients receive an optimal cryopreservation. 

Similarly to other high-tech trends that may become the norm, we believe that human cryopreservation will possibly become a mainstream and affordable procedure in years to come. This is to ensure that everyone is given the possibility to live an extended life. 


It’s clear to see how technological advancements have had such a profound impact on people's lives throughout the centuries. Something that might seem ludicrous today could be commonplace in the future. 

The cryonics industry hopes to become a part of tomorrow’s landscape by remaining up-to-date on the latest scientific breakthroughs and medical advancements. It’s difficult to know what can be achieved in the coming years, but with industry pioneers leading the way, it’s exciting to think of these inventions coming to life.

Are you interested in learning more about what Europe’s fastest-growing cryonics provider is doing? Check out our articles on Tomorrow Insight. If you want to make a difference in the realm of cryonics, you can sign up as a Fellow to support Tomorrow Bio’s research. Or simply get involved in the conversation on Discord and have a chat with us about all things cryopreservation!

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