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About cryopreservation

High level questions and answers about cryopreservation.
What is cryopreservation in a nutshell?

Cryopreservation is an advanced procedure that uses extremely low temperatures to stop all biological processes in the body. Cryopreservation is not freezing, as the formation of ice crystals would be very damaging to the body. This procedure involves the use of specialized cryoprotectant solutions (think medical grade anti-freeze) to prevent freezing when the patient reaches sub-zero temperatures. Patients are cryopreserved in the expectation that future technology may be able to revive them and treat their underlying cause of death.
What is the current state of cryopreservation science?

Whileresearch is constantly progressing, it's currently not yet possible to revive a human after they have been cryopreserved, but there is no fundamental biological reason why revival would not eventually be possible. Here is some what's currently possible with cryopreservation:

For decades scientists have been successfully cryopreserving and rewarming parts of the body such as embryos, sperm, and skin. Read more about this use of cryopreservation.

Scientists have also been able to cryopreserve a rabbit’s kidney which became fully functional again after it was rewarmed. Read more about this experiment.

Research in 2016 showed that a rabbit’s brain remained in near perfect condition after it was cryopreserved and rewarmed. The synapses, cell membranes and intracellular structures remained intact, showing that cryopreservation can protect everything associated with memory and learning. Read more about this scientific breakthrough.

Scientists have also been able to cryopreserve and revive whole model organisms while keeping their memories intact. Read more about this research.

How many people have been cryopreserved?

Around 500 people have been cryopreserved since 1967, mostly in America. Additionally, about 5000 people are currently signed up to be cryopreserved. In Europe, we and our partners have been involved in a high percentage of the cases over the last years.
How and for how long is cryopreservation maintained?

Cryopreservation is maintained with liquid nitrogen (which is naturally at -196 degrees celsius in liquid form). No electricity is used, which secures patients against power outages and makes long-term maintenance economically feasible. The largest portion of funds are given to a patient care trust called the Tomorrow Patient Foundation (TPF). The TPF puts the cryopreservation funds into very low risk investments that have an annual return of 1-2% above inflation. The 1-2% return covers the running costs of maintenance (such as liquid nitrogen). This ensures that there are always enough resources to keep patients cryopreserved indefinitely, for however long is necessary for revival to be possible.
When will I be revived?

It is not possible to predict exactly when revival could be possible as significant scientific development is still needed. The Biostasis plans with Tomorrow Bio are structured so that our patients can remain cryopreserved indefinitely. Whether it’s 50, 75, 100 years or more, our patients will remain cryopreserved for however long it takes for future technology to advance enough to make revival possible. Biologically, there is no time limit for how long a person can be cryopreserved as all metabolic processes in the body have been paused.
How can I learn more about cryopreservation or Tomorrow Bio?

If you want a comprehensive overview of cryopreservation from an outside source we recommend this article by Tim Urban. We are also happy to talk to you directly. You can email us at hello@tomorrowbiostasis.com or schedule a call.

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Pricing & Plans

Basic questions and answers about the cost of cryopreservation and the different methods for funding it.
How much does a Biostasis plan cost at Tomorrow Bio?

There are two parts of a Biostasis plan, the membership fee and the standby and storage cost. Our membership fee is 50€ a month. This pays for equipment, training and maintaining standby teams on call 24/7, etc. The monthly fee for standby and storage funding depends on which funding method you choose. Most members choose to cover the standby and storage costs with term life insurance that has a total coverage of 200.000€. The monthly cost of term life insurance starts at 20€ per month, but can be higher depending on your age and medical history. To get a price estimate fill out our plan calculator. The membership fee and standby and storage costs are paid for while members are still alive, nothing is paid after the patient has been cryopreserved. It is mandatory to pay the membership fee if you want to sign up with Tomorrow Bio, however you do not have to use our term life insurance option for funding. You can use an alternate funding method (e.g. own insurance, savings plan, will etc.). Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss alternate funding options.

What’s covered by a Tomorrow Bio cryopreservation plan?

All of our plans are all inclusive and cover the cost of a standby team, the cryopreservation itself, indefinite maintenance of cryopreservation, and revival procedures. More details can be found on our pricing page.

What happens if I age out of my term life insurance?

There are a couple options at the end of your term life insurance. Firstly, term life insurance can be extended up to the age of 85, but of course you would need to have a new health evaluation before the extension and the price would increase. Secondly, you can build up the funds over time while you still have the term life insurance coverage. This could be through a whole life insurance, your own savings plan, etc. Currently, the total cost of cryopreservation is €200.000, but we are actively working on bringing down the cost significantly. However, this is something that will take time so we recommend our members plan for the €200.000 and then if the price decreases they can adjust their plans or use their extra savings however they see fit.
Why does Tomorrow Bio recommend term life insurance to fund cryopreservation?

Paying for cryopreservation upfront is currently quite expensive (and not recommended, even when feasible). We are actively working on bringing the costs of cryopreservation down significantly, but this will likely take decades. Term life insurance is a relatively inexpensive way to get covered today. Signing up with term life insurance secures you against an early death (by cancer, car accident, etc.), gives you time to find an alternative funding method incase you age out of term life insurance, and gives us time to bring down the costs of cryopreservation. If you would like to use an alternative funding method, we would be happy to discuss the pros and cons with you.
Why does cryopreservation cost so much?

Cryopreservation funding is expensive in part because of how much needs to be included in a cryopreservation plan. Our plans cover the cost of transporting a standby team to you wherever you die, performing cryoprotection procedures on site, transporting your body to a long-term care (storage) facility, completing the cryopreservation, maintaining the cryopreservation indefinitely, etc. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this expensive. Currently there are only a few hundred people cryopreserved worldwide, which means cryopreservation is not benefiting from scaling effects. The more people sign to be cryopreserved the more the cost of standby teams, cryoprotectant solutions, long-term care, etc. can decrease per capita. In other words, as our customer base grows and Biostasis becomes less of a niche topic, we will be able to bring down the cost of a high quality cryopreservation.
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About Tomorrow Bio

Some of the most common question and answers about Tomorrow Bio and it's service.
Who founded Tomorrow Bio?

The organization was founded by Dr. Emil Kendziorra, a medical doctor and former cancer researcher who has a long history in the longevity, life extension and Biostasis space. Fernando Azevedo Pinheiro, an experienced entrepreneur, joined the leadership team in 2020. Tomorrow Bio is a mission driven organization with the goal to make Biostasis easily accessible, more affordable and to fund research and development to improve quality and security.

What does Tomorrow Bio offer?

We offer cryopreservation plans for a low monthly cost. In case of your legal death, one of our teams would travel to you and begin the cryopreservation process of your body. The team would then transport you to a long-term care (storage) facility where you would be fully cryopreserved and maintained until you can potentially be revived. We train, hire, and keep standby teams on call 24/7. Additionally, we handle contracts, insurance, and monitoring. Long-term care is handled by our companion organization, the European Biostasis Foundation, which is a Swiss based non-profit foundation..
Where are the standby teams located?

We have a standby team in Berlin, Germany and another one in Amsterdam, Netherlands via a partner. We are currently planning to build an additional standby team in Zürich, Switzerland in the near future. More teams will be added in Europe in correlation with member growth. If necessary, our teams can travel worldwide to provide a standby service for our members.
How is Tomorrow Bio notified when I die?

In most cases there is forewarning before death (e.g. terminal diagnosis, sudden worsening of a condition, etc.) in which case you can notify us directly. In case of a sudden death (e.g. heart attack, stoke, etc.) we can be notified by your doctor through a Patient Advance Directive or by your next of kin. We are also developing an app that is compatible with wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers which can notify us immediately in the event of your death. When you become a member at Tomorrow you also receive a wristband and a membership card with our contact information on it as well as several information cards that you can give to your next of kin.
How will a standby team reach me to begin the cryopreservation process?

In most cases, a standby team will dispatch to you in one of our specially equipped ambulances. These ambulances are essentially moving operating tables that are prepared to do full cryoprotection including perfusion. If you were to die in a far away country, a standby team and the equipment would be dispatched to you by plane.
What cryoprotectant solutions does Tomorrow Bio use?

Currently Tomorrow Bio uses an optimized version of VM-1. The optimal cryoprotectant solution for different situations is a topic of constant research. Our scientific team is tasked with selecting the best solution depending on the unique situation. This can be an optimized version of VM-1 and VM-3 or even a variant of ASC (aldehyde-stabilized cryopreservation). At Tomorrow Bio we are very focused on using the best cryoprotectant solution for “real-world” circumstances, which usually are very different from the controlled environment in a lab.
Where is long-term care (storage) located?

Our members will be stored at the European Biostasis Foundation in Rafz, Switzerland. EBF (or more precisely the Tomorrow Patient Foundation) requires 120,000€ of the patient funds to maintain cryopreservation indefinitely, which is the highest requirement for any major storage facility in the world. This allows EBF to provide a very high standard of security and stability for long-term care.
What research does Tomorrow Bio fund?

Our current top research priority is tangibly improving cryopreservation processes. This includes researching best practices for conducting cryopreservation in real world (non-lab) settings, and optimizing the use of cryoprotectant solutions. Together with the European Biostasis Foundation, Tomorrow Bio has recently funded ischemia optimization research at Advanced Neural Biosciences. Our research activities will be extended more and more over time including funding research that helps in the development of revival technologies. To learn more about our current and future research, check out our R&D roadmap.
What happens if Tomorrow Bio goes out of business?

Tomorrow Bio is structured to be significantly more financially stable than most companies, however, patient security is of paramount importance. Our cryopreserved patients are stored at non-profit organizations which means they would not be affected by any change at Tomorrow Bio. Members who have not yet been cryopreserved could cancel their term life insurance contract or change the beneficiary of the insurance payout to maintain their coverage.
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More info


Other important organizational and cryopreservation questions and answers.
Why shouldn’t I wait until I’m older to sign up?

First of all, in almost all cases, you would not be saving money by waiting to sign up. For example, if you wanted to get term life insurance that covers you until 70 years old, the overall price difference between signing up at 50 vs. 30 is less than 1%. Signing up early means you can get significantly more years of coverage for almost no price difference. Additionally, if you were to develop any medical condition while waiting to sign up, you could become uninsurable. This would make cryopreservation more difficult and potentially expensive to finance. Another reason it’s better to sign up now rather than later is because it secures you against an early death. Even if it’s unlikely, there is always the possibility that you get a life-threatening illness or get into an accident. Signing up now means you’re covered in case of an untimely death.
How secure is the European Biostasis Foundation?

The European Biostasis Foundation (EBF) is a non-profit foundation located in Switzerland. Foundations in Switzerland are overseen by a governmental body which makes certain that the purpose of the foundation does not change. This helps to ensure that EBF stays stable and on mission. Additionally, the statutes and bylaws of EBF were made to optimize stability (e.g. vote quorums, self amending boards, etc.). Switzerland itself is also a very secure country. Switzerland ranks 5th in the Fund for Peace Fragility States index (2021) and 10th in the World Bank Political Stability Index (2020). Comparatively, the US ranks under 20 and under 50 for these indexes. Furthermore, geographically, Switzerland is also very stable, as it is not at high risk for any natural disaster.
What is Biostasis?

Biostasis is a biological state in which all metabolic processes in the body are suspended. Essentially, it is putting a body on complete pause. Biostasis actually occurs in nature, as several species of frog’s bodies “freeze” during winter and thaw once their environmental conditions have improved. Cryopreservation is currently the best way to achieve Biostasis. We are open to using a different method to achieve Biostasis if a better alternative is created in the future.
What is the environmental impact of cryopreservation maintenance?

Maintaining cryopreservation has a very low carbon footprint because it only requires liquid nitrogen and not electricity. Of course, the creation of liquid nitrogen requires some energy, but it's made with the cheapest possible electricity which in most countries comes from renewable energy.
Is this legal in my country?

From a legal perspective, cryopreservation is regarded as a scientific body donation, which makes it possible in most European countries. We have verified that cryopreservation is legal in most European countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, UK, Spain, Italy, France, etc.). In some countries we had expert opinions prepared by leading law firms. While the exact regulation differs country by country, many people have been cryopreserved all over Europe in the last years without legal issues. If you are worried about legality please reach out to us, we would be happy to explain how it works in your country.
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