The cost of cryo-crastinating

When to Sign Up

The sooner the better

Why should I sign up while I'm young and healthy?

It's easy to put off signing up for cryopreservation, but there are good reasons not to. Find out why it makes sense to sign up sooner rather thn later.


Insurance cost increases with age

Whether you sign up for term life insurance or whole life insurance, you will most likely spend more money in total if you sign up later. You might assume it's cheaper to wait, but this is a common misconception. Signing up early means saving money on insurance.


Avoid the risk of unexpected death

Delaying sign up means risking your chance for a life in the future in the event of an untimely death. The only way to guarantee that you can be cryopreserved is if you sign up now.


Join the community & support research

Signing up gives you the chance to interact with other like-minded people with members only events and channels. Additionally, part of your membership fees goes towards funding important Biostasis research. This advances the field and improves the quality of your cryopreservation.
Secure yourself today

The risks of waiting

Very high insurance cost

A future medical diagnosis, even if it's not potentially fatal, could lead to prohibitively high insurance costs. If you sign up while you're healthy you lock in your insurance costs at a low rate.

Become uninsurable

If you have health problems in the future it could make you uninsurable. Meaning that your options for cryopreservation funding are severely limited.

Pass away unexpectedly

Statistically speaking most of us will live until old age, and yet, millions of people under the age of 50 die every year just from car accidents. The only way to be secured against unexpected death is to sign up now.
Tomorrow Fellows

Not ready to sign up yet?
Become a Tomorrow Fellow

For just €5 per month you will

Save money for your future cryopreservation with 20% interest
2. Join the community and contribute to Biostasis R&D
3. Get a free t-shirt, access to member events, and research reports
Move Forwards

Your next steps

Cost of cryopreservation
Investing & Developing
Research in Biostasis
Our all-inclusive plans start at just €45 a month
Sign up can be completed entirely online within minutes
We help members set up an alternate funding method whenever requested
Learn about pricing & plans
Fast & quality cryopreservation
Standby teams in Europe
Standby teams in Berlin and Amsterdam (via a partner)
Standby team in Zurich coming soon
Collaboration with and training of local first response teams
Our Standby Procedures
Future proof structure
Built for long-term security
Long-term care at a non-profit foundation in Switzerland
Funds managed by an independent Patient Care Trust
Patients stored in underground part of facility
Our Structure & Partners
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Pricing & plans

Learn about funding options

Check out our pricing page to find out the different costs and plan options.
Take the quiz

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Take our short quiz to find out which cryopreservation plan is best for you and an estimate of the monthly cost.