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Cryo Provider Comparison

What does Tomorrow Bio offer?

Tomorrow Bio is a cryopreservation provider focused on research and providing a high quality cryopreservation service for members throughout Europe. Our plans offer a full cryopreservation service for an affordable monthly price.
Membership Fee
Funding for Standby & Storage
Table Comparison

What is the difference between cryo providers?

Cryonics Institute
Standby included in cost
Standby teams in Europe
Standby teams in the US
Whole-body cryopreservation
Brain-only option
Long-term storage in Europe
Fully online sign up
Why choose us

What are Tomorrow's unique features?

Cost of cryopreservation
Investing & Developing
Research in Biostasis
Our all-inclusive plans start at just €45 a month
Sign up can be completed entirely online within minutes
We help members set up an alternate funding method whenever requested
Learn about pricing & plans
Fast & quality cryopreservation
Standby teams in Europe
Standby teams in Berlin and Amsterdam (via a partner)
Standby team in Zurich coming soon
Collaboration with and training of local first response teams
Our Standby Procedures
Future proof structure
Built for long-term security
Long-term care at a non-profit foundation in Switzerland
Funds managed by an independent Patient Care Trust
Patients stored in underground part of facility
Our Structure & Partners
Cryoprotection capabilities

Tomorrow's standby

Tomorrow Bio is the only provider with standby teams in Europe, with one in Berlin and in Amsterdam (via a partner). Our standby teams are on call 24/7 to dispatch to members in one of our specially equipped ambulances (or by plane if necessary). The teams are equipped for full onsite cryoprotection down to -76°C.  Our standby teams have several years of experience with cases in Europe and also regularly train their procedures on non-member body donations.
Multiple notification channels

Emergency app

Tomorrow has an emergency app that can send out a signal to emergency contacts in the event that a potential emergency is detected. Users can choose to enable the system with either a time based trigger that sends a check in notification at regular intervals, or they can enable the automated emergency system which connects with smart devices and triggers when a heart beat is no longer detected. This emergency app can help Tomorrow’s standby team to be notified quickly if a member passes away suddenly, thereby increasing the quality of the cryopreservation.
Building standby capabilities

Local team support

In addition to building more professional standby teams we are also highly supportive of local initial response teams. These are teams of volunteers who are trained to carry out the first steps of cryoprotection in the event that they can reach a patient faster than a professional teams. Initial steps can include cooling with a water-ice bath, chemical administration, and cardio pulmonary support. Performing these steps can dramatically slow down the rate of degradation before the surgical cryoprotection procedures can begin. Tomorrow provides support to local teams with training and emergency equipment kits.
Built for the long-term

Tomorrow's Structure & Partner Organizations

There are three primary services required for successful cryopreservation and revival to be possible: standby, long-term storage, and fund management. To optimize for the best possible service these responsibilities are divided between three organizations.


Tomorrow Bio

Tomorrow Bio is a mission driven organization based in Berlin that provides standby, biostasis teams, ensures readiness and training, and more. The research conducted at Tomorrow is focused on the development of better equipment and standby procedures. Additionally, Tomorrow handles contracts, standby dispatch, member communications, and community building.


European Biostasis Foundation

Long-term storage is at the European Biostasis Foundation's (EBF) facility in Rafz, Switzerland. EBF is a non-profit foundation subject to strict governmental oversight, and has its statutes and bylaws optimized for long-term stability. EBF also conducts basic and translational research to advance the science of biostasis. EBF's operations are financially independent from Tomorrow Bio.


Tomorrow Patient Foundation

The Tomorrow Patient Foundation (TPF) is a non-profit private benefit organization that takes on the role of a patient care trust and legal guardian of the cryopreserved patients. The TPF works to ensure that patients remain cryopreserved for however long it takes for revival to be possible. It's responsibilities include putting biostasis funds into very low risk investments that yield an annual return of 1-2% above inflation, which is more than enough to pay for the running costs of keeping patients cryopreserved.