
There are always two parts to the cost: Membership and standby & storage funding. Membership is €50 per month, and standby & storage funding cost depends on your funding method, age, and medical history.
Membership Fee
Funding for Standby & Storage
Video Explanation

How much cryonics costs
& what those funds pay for

Get the full breakdown of cryonics costs in this 10 minute video. Get any remaining questions answered by scheduling a consultation with our team.
Part 1



Paid monthly until you are cryopreserved


per month


Available for family sign ups & Fellows
What does the Membership Fee pay for?
  1. Hiring and maintenance of medical standby teams and keeping them on call 24/7 to dispatch to you.
  2. Medical standby team equipment (ambulances, heart-lung machine, etc.) and training in the latest cryoprotection procedures.
  3. Biostasis research and development to improve the quality of cryopreservation and aid in the creation of revival technology.
  4. Welcome box, legal advocacy, customer service, member events, and more.
Part 2

Standby & Storage

Funds required

€75,000 or €200,000 payable at time of death

How to pay

Insurance, pre payments, etc.

Monthly cost

From €20 depending on age & health
The standby & storage funding pays for the complete cryopreservation service including transporting a medical team to you, keeping the team on standby at your location before your pronouncement, performing the cryopreservation procedure, transporting you to the long-term storage facility, and indefinite long-term storage and care.
  • Total funds required: A one-time payment of €200,000 (whole-body cryopreservation) or €75,000 (brain-only cryopreservation) is needed at the time of death. This is usually paid for by an insurance policy. The monthly cost of term life insurance starts at €20 per month (whole-body) or €6 per month (brain-only) and can increase depending on age and medical history.
Part 1: Membership
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
Payment Duration
Paid from the time you sign up until you are cryopreserved
25€ per month
Discounts available for family sign ups and Tomorrow
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Part 2: Funding for Standby & Storage
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
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  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
  • Epteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
Standby & Storage

Funding Options

Most Popular
Most common method

Term Life Insurance

  • Who is this for: Members between the ages of 18 and 65 who do not have any major medical issues.
  • How much it costs: €20 per month (whole-body) or €6 per month (brain-only) or more depending on age and health.
  • For more information on what term life insurance is, click here.
Capital building

Whole Life Insurance

  • Who this is for: Members who are over the age of 65, have medical issues that exclude them from term insurance, and/or want to pay for the standby and storage cost upfront.
  • How much it costs: Several hundred Euros per month. Highly dependent on the savings time-line.
  • For more information on what whole life insurance is, click here.
Other options

Alternative Funding

  • Who this is for: Members who have their own insurance or do not want or qualify for term life insurance.
  • How much it costs: The monthly cost of your own insurance or €200,000 (whole-body) or €75,000 (brain-only).
  • For more information on alternative funding methods, click here.
What you get

What's included in Standby & Storage?

The total cost of standby and storage is €200,000 for whole-body cryopreservation and €75,000 for brain-only cryopreservation. Here is exactly what those fund are paying for.



Team and equipment on standby at your location before you pass away. Full onsite cryoprotection procedure by an experienced team. Transport of your body to the long-term storage facility, no matter where in the world you are.


Long-term storage

Storage in a specially made dewar at the European Biostasis Foundation in Switzerland. A Patient Care Trusts puts funds into very low risk investments that yield 1-2% annual return above inflation. This covers the running cost of keeping patient cryopreserved indefinitely.



When revival technology is available and adequately tested, the long-term storage funds will be used to pay for the revival procedure. Should any funds remain after the revival procedure they will be returned to you.
Contribute & benefit now

Not ready to sign up yet?
Become a Tomorrow Fellow

For just €5 per month you will:
Save money for your future cryopreservation with 20% interest
2) Join the community and contribute to Biostasis R&D
3) Get a free t-shirt, access to member events, and research reports
Frequently Asked Questions

Financial FAQ

Now let's get into the details. Here are the most important questions and answers about cryopreservation funding.
What is term life insurance?

Term life insurance is a risk insurance that provides immediate and full coverage for the €200,000 or €75,000 needed for standby and storage. The insurance company will evaluate your risk based on a questionnaire of your medical history, and propose a monthly coverage fee according to that evaluation. After the contract has been finalized, the insurance company cannot ever increase your monthly fee based on medical conditions you develop in the future. Term life insurance always has an end date, after which time another funding method would need to be provided. You can think of it similarly to a car insurance. You pay for car insurance so that if an accident happens while you're insured, the insurance company will payout a large sum to cover your costs. However, if you do not get into an accident while insured, the insurance does not pay you anything.
What is the advantage of term life insurance?

Most people are not able or willing to directly pay the full €200,000 or €75,000 needed for standby and storage when they first sign up for cryopreservation. Term life insurance provides decades of coverage at a very affordable price, giving members peace of mind that they will be covered in the event of an unexpected death and giving them time to gather the standby and storage funds in case they live past the end of their term life insurance coverage. Term life insurance also has the advantage that it covers you immediately after the contract has been finalized. Many other insurance methods require you to pay in for years or even decades before they would payout the full standby and storage funds.
What are the options if I live past my term life insurance coverage?

Most of our members will live past the end of their term life insurance, so they will need to provide a funding method that can take over once the term ends. Here are some of the options:
1) Extend the term life insurance: Term life insurance can be extended until the age of 85. Of course this would make the monthly fee more expensive. Additionally, the insurance would reevaluate your health before extending the coverage. If you have major medical problems the insurance can deny the extension.
2) Fund the standby and storage directly: Most people have accumulated significantly more wealth by the time they are 60-70 as opposed to 30-40. This means that when your term life insurance coverage ends, you should be in a much better position to fund your cryopreservation plan directly than you were when you first signed up for the plan. Additionally, we are actively working towards decreasing the costs of cryopreservation. It is likely that paying for a cryopreservation plan directly will be significantly cheaper when you age out of term life insurance than it is now.
3) Whole life insurance or other savings plan: Read more about this option below.

For more information we recommend scheduling a consultation with our team.
What is whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance is essentially just a savings plan with an insurance company, with a modest interest rate on your contribution. Whole life insurance does not require any medical evaluation and it does not have an end date. However, unlike term life insurance it does not provide immediate coverage for the full funds needed for standby and storage. This is why it's usually recommend to set up a term life insurance first in order to get decades of immediate and inexpensive coverage, and then to start investing into whole life insurance around 20 years before the end of your term life insurance coverage. This way you are guaranteed to be fully covered from the day you sign up until your legal death. If you are not satisfied with the interest rates on whole life insurance, you are also welcome to set up your own savings and investment plan that would take over after the end of your term. As a member of Tomorrow Biostasis you would receive guidance on how and when to set these funding methods.
What if I can't set up term life insurance?

Term life insurance can be impossible or too expensive to obtain depending on your age and health status. Since whole life insurance does not provide immediate coverage, you may need to set up an alternative funding method that could pay for your standby and storage in case you were to pass away before your whole life insurance or savings plan provided complete coverage. Read more about alternative funding methods below.
If I have the funds, should I just pay for standby and storage upfront?

If you have the full €200,000 or €75,000 needed for standby and storage we would recommend you set up whole life insurance instead of paying Tomorrow Biostasis upfront or leaving the funds in a last will (unless you are terminally ill). There are two advantages to whole life insurance. Firstly, you will earn some interest with whole life insurance which makes it a better investment for you. Secondly, insurances have guaranteed fast payouts which makes this option better than leaving the money in a last will and testament which could be difficult to execute and lead to delays in your cryopreservation.
What are alternative funding methods?

There are many different methods of alternative funding depending on your situation. Possible alternative funding methods include your own insurance policy, funding through a last will and testament, or listing next of kin who are willing to cover some of the cost of your standby and storage. To set up this method you simply need to fill out our alternative funding document in which you stipulate how your storage and standby costs will be covered. Before choosing this option we highly recommend scheduling a consultation to get recommendations based on your unique situation.
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