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Biostasis2022 Speaker Dr. Ramón Risco Delgado

Tomorrow Bio introduces readers to Dr. Ramón Risco Delgado of the University of Seville.
October 14, 2022
Biostasis 2022
Mary Cain

As Biostasis2022 draws closer, Tomorrow Bio is introducing readers to key individuals within the cryonics community. These figures have been central to the advancement of cryonics, biostasis, and longevity research, as well as discussions about future technologies. Today, we introduce you to Dr. Ramón Risco Delgado.

Getting to Know Dr. Ramón Risco Delgado

Born in Seville, Spain, Dr. Delgado studied physics at the University of Seville, and theoretical physics in Granada. He worked in the area of quantum physics before eventually redirecting his interests towards biotechnology in 2002. His primary focus is on cryopreservation of biological materials.

Following this change in trajectory, he went on to create the CryoBioTech Research group. Much of his research was conducted at Harvard University along with the Center for Engineering in Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. His major technological breakthrough came in 2007 where he was able to cryopreserve important cell types. These included human ovules, stem cells, and certain nematodes that are of interest in biotechnology. 

Current Work in Cryonics

Dr. Delgado’s current research is centered on cryopreservation of large human organs as well as fruit flies (Drosophila), specisms that are commonly used in genetics and biology. We have seen such experiments conducted on fruit flies before from other cryonicists like Prof. Dr. de Magalhaes. Dr. Delgado, however, wanted to pursue this study further. 

In 2013, he founded SafePreservation, a start-up biotechnological company focused on preserving biological material at cryogenic temperatures. In addition to this, he also works as a professor with the School of Engineering at the University of Seville. His focus is on the optimization of cooling and rewarming rates for cryopreserved biological matter such as cells and organs. There have been earlier experiments around organ cryopreservation and rewarming in animals, including on a cat’s brain and a rabbit kidney. Both of these studies proved to be successful, a significant stepping-stone in cryonics research. Rewarming remains one of the biggest challenges in cryonics. Hopefully, Dr. Delgado’s work may help build the necessary foundational knowledge to make this technology possible. 

Cells infected with virus particles undergoing cellular death.‍
Understanding what happens to our organs during cryopreservation will assist in revival research.

Outlook on Cryonics as a Science

Dr. Delgado has been vocal about the challenges facing cryonics and scientific study. These range from misconceptions about what this science is, to the potential impact on scientists in this field. In an interview with the Guardian, he stated that:

“There is an enormous ‘stigma bias’ to the conversation about cryonics among scientists. For scientists who would like to discuss it open-mindedly it tends to significantly hurt their career–in fact can potentially even get them kicked out of their scientific societies.”

Though cryonics tends to be associated with science fiction, Risco believes that as a discipline it should not be. Instead, we could see significant progress within the next five to ten years, but we must continue to strive towards this. He also remarked that innovative technologies such as space travel and organ transplantation suffered similar initial bias when proposed. Yet, they went on to revolutionize societies all over the world. 

Previous Biostasis Conferences

Dr. Delgado has presented at previous Biostasis conferences. At Biostasis2020, he presented on problems and solutions for organ cryopreservation. When cryopreserving an organ, an issue that needs to be addressed is what he calls heat and mass transfer. To overcome this problem, he outlines a set of fields that can help address this concern ranging from x-ray computed tomography to ultrasounds to mathematical modeling. The application of these technologies could help preserve organs at cryogenic temperatures. For example, x-ray computed tomography could be used for detecting fractures in organs during the procedure. 

For Biostasis2021, he discussed a breakthrough in the field of cryopreservation centered on experimental evidence regarding the return to life. He outlines two key problems related to this topic, specifically related to organs: first, the issue of distribution of cryoprotectant solution inside an organ, and secondly, the warming rate in the outer layer of an organ vs. the inner organ. His research group was focused on addressing the former issue using a combination of 3D CPA mapping using high intensity focused ultrasounds. In addition, their studies attempted to address the second problem of uniform rewarming for whole organs. This research is critical to advancing studies focused on rewarming and revival efforts for patients already cryopreserved.

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Dr. Delgado’s research into organ cryopreservation is essential for understanding not only what happens to them during the procedure, but how we can work to make revival possible. We look forward to seeing Dr. Delgado at Biostasis2022 and learn more about his ongoing research. If you’re interested in learning more about the Biostasis Conference speakers, we have interviews and articles with past speakers including David Wood, Max More, Peter Vogt, and more! 

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