Cryonicist's Horizons

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The Importance of Signing Up Your Family for Cryonics

Our family journey to cryonics has made the future - however distant and uncertain - a present lived and shared.

I decided to write this article more from a personal perspective, rather than a discursive text. I think this is also a personal reflection that every cryonicist should make and especially on how to empathize with family members that a prior are not interested in cryonics. 

The audience of this article is people already familiar with the topic of cryonics and especially, those who already signed up for it. 

If you are new to the topic, you can have a good intro about it by reading this article: What is Cryonics

The purpose of this article is to explore the reasons for considering cryonics for family members and how to persuade them. 

The limitations of this text start from my personal experience and the conversations I had with people interested in the topic and therefore, may not apply to every case. 

Convincing your family to sign up for cryonics can be tricky

The Basic Cryonicist Mindset

The fact is, most people highly interested in cryonics are men. At Tomorrow Bio, for instance, our current member gender distribution is 87% Male and 13% Female. Of those 13% female members, 90% of them are signed up because of a family member. I believe we have around 2 or 3 female members that signed up for themselves. Therefore, not on purpose, Cryonics is a male dominant industry. 

I won't deep dive into the rationale of why this topic seems to be less interesting to women because I don't have enough data to support my theory, but, based on conversations I had with male and female friends (interested and not interested in the topic) and Tomorrow Bio members, I could come up with some conclusions regarding male behavior in the topic. 

First, men tend to behave with a stronger self-interest than women. I am not saying that men are by nature selfish and don't care about others or that women cannot be selfish, but the way sometimes men think doesn't take into consideration other people's opinions or decisions (Which also could be a good thing). 

For instance, I am a parent and once I was signing up for cryonics, it didn't pass through my mind that I may wake up in a future where all my children could potentially be long gone (assuming they chose not to sign up as well). 

I only took notice of this fact, because this was the first thing that popped up in the head of my wife. I spoke to several women that have children and they also thought the same. 

I know several Tomorrow Bio male members that still didn't talk to their immediate family (especially wives) that they are signed up for cryonics. This is obviously a formula for trouble down the line and I do not recommend it.

Second, men tend to be more high-risk takers, meaning that they understand clearly the fact that cryonics is a bet, and a lot of "ifs" need to happen in order to make it work, and still, they tend to take a leap of faith and put some chips on this bet.

As lastly, when it is related to the far future, men tend to be much more optimistic. Again, this is not a generalization and there is no survey to make this point, just observations based on conversations we had. 

For instance, talking to our members about their motivations towards this topic, I originally thought that their main motivation was fear of death. I was deadly wrong. In reality, their main motivation is the pure love of life.

Our members are in general extremely optimistic about the future and very excited about the prospect of having a chance in participating in it. 

There are, of course, other characteristics that are important and mostly shared between our members, but I consider these three, the key levers that influence people to take action and sign up for cryonics.

Still, after some deeper reflection, I realized that involving your family members is not only critical to make your cryopreservation viable, but for the future, if any of this works, adapting to a new life is gonna be much easier. 

The Benefits of Cryonics for Your Family

I have often thought about the impact my decision to undergo cryopreservation has on my family. I believe there are three key benefits that cryonics can offer to our families: preserving life, reducing the risk of regret, and strengthening family bonds.

Preserving life: a chance at a future life with advanced medical technology

When I signed up for cryonics, I was captivated by the idea that it could provide a second chance at life. 

Cryonics aims to preserve individuals until advanced medical technology might be able to revive them and treat their illnesses. 

This possibility is especially appealing for those who have succumbed to currently incurable diseases or conditions. 

By choosing cryonics, we can offer our loved ones the potential to benefit from future medical breakthroughs and increase their chances of living healthy, fulfilling life.

Talking again from my own personal experience, my father always told me he would live until 150 years of age. Unfortunately, due to a non-healthy lifestyle and bad habits, his life was shortened by disease. He died at 57 years old, he lived less than his own parents. 

A total tragedy for me and my family. If I had access to cryonics at that time, cryopreserving him would be a no-brainer. Honestly, my dad probably would have signed up for it himself. 

Reducing the risk of regret: taking a proactive approach to the unknown

My decision to pursue cryonics was, in part, driven by a desire to minimize the risk of regret. As they say, "You only regret the chances you didn't take." 

By opting for cryopreservation, I feel that I am taking a proactive approach to the unknown and embracing the possibility of a better future for myself and my loved ones. 

Although cryonics is still a developing field, I strongly believe that Biostasis technology will advance drastically during our lifetime (Well, we are working on it). 

Therefore, we are doing everything within our power to give ourselves and our loved ones the best possible chance at a renewed life.

Strengthening family bonds: the idea of reuniting with loved ones in the future

Cryonics has also brought me closer to my family by fostering a shared vision of reuniting with one another in the future. 

This hope of reconnection offers a sense of comfort and support for us, knowing that we may one day be reunited with those who have been cryopreserved. 

My wife is signed up and I also want to sign up my children once they are a bit older and understand what this is about (Some people, my wife included, disagree with me here, but I strongly believe in informed consent.). This obviously, would change in an emergency situation. 

By choosing cryonics, we demonstrate our love and commitment to each other, even in the face of the unknown. I always believed in Cryonics as an act of love.

The potential benefits for families cannot be ignored. As technology and medicine advance, the possibilities for cryonics may become even more compelling, making it an increasingly attractive option for those looking to secure a better future for themselves and their loved ones.

Addressing Common Concerns and Objections

As a cryonicist, I recognize that discussing cryonics with family members who may not be initially interested or even opposed to the idea can be challenging. 

Through personal reflection and conversations with others in the cryonics community, I've come to identify the most important concerns that often arise when discussing cryonics with loved ones: cost and affordability, ethical considerations, and fear of the unknown.

I will share my thoughts on addressing these common concerns and objections.

Cost and affordability: financial planning and insurance options

One of the first concerns that my family members brought up was the cost of cryonics. The procedure and ongoing storage can indeed be expensive, but there are ways to make it more affordable. 

In my own experience, I found that cryonics can be financially feasible through careful planning and leveraging insurance options. 

I explained to my family that life insurance policies can be used to cover the costs, making cryonics more accessible without burdening them with expenses. 

Sharing this information helped alleviate their concerns about the financial aspect of cryonics. For more info about costs, watch this video:

Ethical considerations: weighing the potential benefits against the moral implications

Another common concern is the ethical aspect of cryonics. 

In my discussions with family members, I've learned that it's essential to approach this topic with empathy and understanding. 

Instead of debating the ethics of cryonics, I chose to focus on the potential benefits it offers, such as preserving life and providing a chance for a future with advanced medical technology. 

By emphasizing these potential advantages, I was able to engage in a meaningful conversation with my loved ones about the moral implications of cryonics and reassure them of my reasons for choosing this path.

Fear of the Unknown: debunking myths and addressing common fears

Fear of the unknown is another significant barrier when discussing cryonics with family members. It's essential to address their concerns by debunking myths and clarifying misconceptions. 

In my experience, I found it helpful to share accurate information about the cryonics process and explain that it is a scientific procedure with the goal of preserving life until future medical advancements might be able to revive and heal us. 

As a cryonicist, I believe it's crucial to engage in open and empathetic conversations with our family members about cryonics, addressing their concerns, and alleviating their fears. 

By doing so, we can create a supportive environment that allows for informed decision-making and a shared understanding of the potential benefits and challenges that cryonics offers.

We wrote an article debunking myths of cryonics, you can read it here

Convincing Your Family Members to Sign up for Cryonics

When I first signed up for cryonics, I realized the importance of sharing my decision with my family and trying to convince them to consider it as well. 

Convincing family members to sign up for cryonics can be a challenging process. Talking to other cryonicist and based on my personal experience, I found that the following steps help to make the conversation more fruitful and meaningful.

Starting the conversation: setting the stage for an open and honest discussion

The first step in convincing your family members to consider cryonics is to initiate an open and honest conversation about the topic. 

In my experience, it's essential to approach the discussion with empathy and understanding, acknowledging that cryonics can be a sensitive and emotional subject. 

I made sure to create a comfortable environment, free from distractions, where my family members felt at ease sharing their thoughts and concerns. 

The goal was basically just to engage in a conversation where I openly asked them to be open-minded and not reactive.

Presenting the benefits: emphasizing the potential advantages of cryonics

Once the stage was set, I focused on highlighting the potential benefits of cryonics, including the possibility of preserving life and having a chance to participate in a future with advanced medical technology. 

I shared my personal reasons for choosing cryonics, emphasizing my love for life and optimism about the future. 

By presenting the advantages of cryonics, I was able to engage my family members in a meaningful conversation about the potential benefits of signing up. 

Through my conversations with members of Tomorrow Bio, I have come to learn that each person has a unique intrinsic motivation toward cryonics. Understanding these motivations is important because they vary from person to person. 

By identifying what your family members enjoy about life, you can determine how cryonics can potentially enhance their experience in the future.

Addressing their concerns: listening to and acknowledging their objections, providing well-researched counterarguments

First reactions normally are always a bit skeptical, but that's normal. It is very important just to understand their most important concerns with well-researched counterarguments was an effective way to assuage their doubts. 

By providing accurate information and debunking myths, I was able to build trust and understanding between us, ultimately paving the way for a more receptive attitude toward cryonics.

Make sure your arguments are 100% based on science and that it doesn't "attack" your family members' personal beliefs (for instance, a very religious person could think you are trying to play god, etc.).

Sharing personal stories: connecting with others who have chosen cryonics for their families

I also discovered that sharing personal stories and experiences of other cryonicists who have chosen cryonics for their families was a powerful way to explain, not only why cryonics makes sense, but why signing up together has only upsides. 

By discussing the experiences of others, I was able to show my family members that they were not alone in their concerns and that many people have successfully navigated these discussions with their families.

Offering support: assisting family members in their research and decision-making process

Lastly, one of the feedbacks I've received from Tomorrow Bio members and other cryonicists is to make sure you offer support and assistance to your family members throughout their research and decision-making process. 

Always provide them with resources, answer their questions, and even connect them with other cryonicists (Join "The Cryosphere" Discord Channel) who could share their experiences. 

By offering support, you will be able to create a positive environment that encourages your family members to make informed decisions about cryonics.

Convincing family members to sign up for cryonics can be a challenging task, but by following these steps and approaching the conversation with empathy, understanding, and support, it is possible to make progress and encourage loved ones to consider cryonics as a viable option for their future.

Taking the First Steps Together

When my family and I decided to embark on the journey of signing up for cryonics, we found it essential to take the initial steps together, ensuring that everyone was on board and well-informed.

In my opinion, here are the steps you should take:

Start this journey with your family

Selecting a Cryonics Provider: evaluating options and Making an Informed Decision

In our case, for obvious reasons, we selected Tomorrow Bio as our provider, but this may not be the case for you. So my advice is that your first step in the journey is to choose a cryonics provider that meets your family's needs and preferences. 

We wrote a basic comparison between providers HERE.

Together, you and your family should research and compare different providers, taking into account factors such as reputation, technology, and location (speed of response). 

By discussing your findings and collectively evaluating the options, you will be able to make an informed decision about the cryonics provider that best suits your family.

Financial planning: setting up payment plans or insurance policies

Financing cryonics is an essential aspect of the process, and my family and I took the time to carefully plan our financial strategy. 

We explored various payment options, including payment plans and life insurance policies specifically tailored to cover cryonics costs. 

By working together and discussing our financial capabilities, we were able to establish a plan that made cryonics accessible and affordable for our family.

The best economical solution by far is to sign up for cryopreservation through term-life insurance

Financial long-term planning is crucial when it comes to cryopreservation because it is an expensive procedure. To fund the procedure in the future, it is important to have a savings scheme in place (like Whole-life Insurance) or assets to liquidate.

Legal preparations: completing necessary paperwork and establishing legal protections

Since my family and I were all aligned about signing up for cryopreservation, only the Biostasis contract itself was enough to offer enough legal protection.

But I do recommend that people go the extra mile, especially when not everyone in your family circle agrees with the procedure or maybe has a special interest in your overall state. 

Therefore, you must have not only the Biostasis contract in place but also a registered Last Will where you explicitly make it clear your wish to be cryopreserved. 

Also on top of that, we strongly recommend that you have a Patients Advance Directive (PAD) in English and also in your local language. 

The PAD basically is a legal document that designates Tomorrow Bio as your healthcare proxy and gives the company the right to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you cannot communicate. 

This document helps you prepare for unforeseen situations by appointing a healthcare proxy who is familiar with your values and wishes. 

This document also helps prevent undesirable scenarios, such as a situation where a family member or a hospital doctor unilaterally decides to shut down life support without your consent, particularly in critical conditions where there is no standby team available.

One final tip, each country has different laws regarding the disposal and transportation of bodies. You must understand how the law works for your particular country as it may require some special measures to be taken for a smooth cryopreservation procedure. 

Communicating your decision: informing your extended family and friends

Finally, we recognized the importance of sharing our decision to sign up for cryonics with our extended family and friends. 

Although it is normal to expect some "raised eyebrows", take into consideration their personal beliefs and the appropriate manner to answer questions. 

Your goal, in the end, is to avoid conflict, especially with direct family members, and to make sure your wishes will be respected in the future. 

Our personal experience was mixed. Some family members were very curious about it and became interested, while others, especially more religious ones, had a negative view. 

Overall, we got an understanding from everyone we loved and that's what you should aim for. 


In summary, cryonics offers significant benefits not only for individuals but also for their families. By choosing to pursue cryopreservation together, families can find comfort in knowing they are taking a proactive step toward securing a chance at life and potentially reuniting in a future where advanced medical technology may be able to heal them.

However, discussing cryonics with family members and convincing them to sign up can be challenging, as it often brings up difficult questions about ethics, spirituality, and the unknown. 

Approaching these conversations with empathy, honesty, and support is key. Highlighting the potential benefits of cryonics, addressing objections, and sharing stories of others who have made this choice as a family can help to alleviate concerns.

When families embark on the journey to sign up for cryonics together, it is important to carefully evaluate options, make financial plans, complete legal preparations, and communicate the decision with others. 

For those open to optimistically embracing the unknown, it offers a chance to perpetuate the bonds of family beyond our current lifespan. 

This shared vision of renewed life and restored connections with one another, turning the unknown itself into a source of comfort. 

Our journey to cryonics has made the future - however distant and uncertain - a present lived and shared.

Tomorrow Bio is the worlds fastest growing human cryopreservation provider. Our all inclusive cryopreservation plans start at just 31€ per month. Learn more here.