The Rationalist movement has long been known for its focus on using reason and evidence to guide decisions and actions. It represents a set of modes of bayesian thinking from self-described rationalists or 'aspiring rationalists' typically associated with the Less Wrong diaspora and their associated communities.
In the same vein, Cryonics is a cutting-edge scientific field that aims to use technology and scientific knowledge to preserve human life beyond its current limits.
Cryonics is a field of science and technology that is focused on preserving human life. It is based on the idea that death is not a necessary or inevitable event, but rather a problem that can be solved through science and technology. Cryonicists believe that by preserving the body at ultra-cold temperatures through cryoprotective agents, it may be possible to revive people in the future when advanced medical technology is available. This would give them a chance to experience a much longer and potentially indefinite life span.
Both Rationalism and Cryonics share a common goal: to use the power of science and technology to improve human life. In this article, we will explore the parallel between the Rationalist movement and Cryonics, and why they are so aligned with each other.
Why Rationalism and Cryonics Are Aligned
The Rationalist movement is all about using reason and evidence to make decisions, and Cryonics is no different. Cryonicists are guided by the belief that the human brain contains all the information that makes us who we are, and that it can be preserved through cryopreservation. By preserving the brain, they hope to preserve the individual's identity, memories, personality, and intelligence. This belief is based on a thorough understanding of science and medicine, and a commitment to using reason and evidence to guide their actions.

Another key area where Rationalism and Cryonics intersect is in their focus on the future. Rationalists are known for their focus on long-term thinking, and Cryonics is no different. Cryonicists believe that the future will bring tremendous advancements in medical technology and that these advancements will allow us to revive and heal those who have been cryopreserved. This long-term perspective is also a hallmark of Rationalism, and it is one of the reasons why these two fields are so aligned.
The similarities between the Rationalist movement and Cryonics are numerous and profound. Firstly, both movements are based on the principles of reason and science. Both believe that by using reason and critical thinking, it is possible to improve the world and enhance the human experience.
In addition, both movements believe that death is not a necessary or inevitable event. Rationalists believe that through reason and critical thinking, it is possible to understand death and potentially overcome it. Cryonicists believe that by preserving the body at ultra-cold temperatures, it may be possible to revive people in the future when advanced medical technology is available.
Furthermore, both movements are focused on improving the human experience. The Rationalist movement seeks to understand the world and make it a better place through the application of reason and critical thinking, while Cryonics seeks to preserve human life and potentially extend it indefinitely.
A Positive Attitude towards Cryonics
The Rationalist movement has a positive attitude toward new and innovative technologies, and Cryonics is no exception. Cryonicists believe that cryopreservation is a means of preserving human life and personality and that it has the potential to greatly improve our future. This positive attitude towards Cryonics is a reflection of the Rationalist movement's commitment to using reason and evidence to guide their actions and to embrace new and innovative technologies.
Cryonics and the Future of Humanity
Cryonics is not just about preserving individual lives, it is about preserving humanity itself. Cryonicists believe that cryopreservation has the potential to greatly enhance our future by allowing us to preserve the knowledge, experiences, and wisdom of our predecessors. By preserving human life, we are also preserving the collective knowledge and experiences of our species, which will be invaluable in the future.

The Rationalist movement is also committed to preserving humanity and improving our future. They believe that by using reason and evidence to guide our actions, we can build a better future for ourselves and for future generations. Cryonics fits in perfectly with this goal, as it provides a means of preserving human life and personality, and of ensuring that our knowledge and experiences are passed on to future generations.
Why You Should Sign Up for Cryonics Now
There are several reasons why you should sign up for cryonics now. Firstly, cryonics offers the possibility of a much longer and potentially indefinite life span. By preserving your body at ultra-cold temperatures, you will have the chance to experience the future and potentially benefit from advanced medical technology that may be developed.
In addition, cryonics is based on the principles of reason and science. This means that it is a field that is constantly evolving and improving, as new scientific and technological advancements are made. This makes it a highly dynamic and exciting field to be a part of.
Finally, by signing up for cryonics, you will be taking a proactive step towards improving your own life and the lives of others. Cryonics is a movement that is focused on making the world a better place and enhancing the human experience, and by joining this movement, you will

A New Approach to Life Extension
Cryonics offers the possibility of an extended lifespan. While the technology to revive a vitrified individual may not exist today, it is possible that it will in the future. With advancements in science and medicine happening at a rapid pace, it is possible that cryonics could be the key to living much longer than currently possible. Cryonicists believe that by preserving the body, future generations will have the opportunity to bring people back to life and cure them of any diseases or injuries that led to their death.
The Pursuit of Knowledge
Cryonics is also aligned with the rationalist movement's pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Cryonics is a field that requires a deep understanding of science, medicine, and engineering. By signing up for cryonics, individuals are taking an active step towards advancing their own knowledge and understanding of the world around them. By supporting the research and development of cryonics, they are also contributing to the advancement of science as a whole.
Embracing the Future
The rationalist movement is about embracing the future and taking control of one's own life. Cryonics is no different. By signing up for cryonics, individuals are embracing the future and taking control of their own destiny. They are investing in a future that they believe in and are willing to put their faith in. Cryonics is a way for individuals to have a say in their own future and to ensure that their legacy lives on.
Affordable and Accessible
Cryonics is becoming increasingly affordable and accessible. With the advent of new technologies, the cost of cryonics is decreasing and the process is becoming more streamlined. The prices for cryonics are now within reach for a large portion of the population, and many cryonics companies are offering flexible payment plans to make it even easier for people to sign up.
An Investment in the Future
Finally, signing up for cryonics is an investment in the future. By investing in cryonics, individuals are investing in their own future and the future of their loved ones. They are investing in a future where they can be brought back to life and where they can continue to live, learn, and grow.
In conclusion, the rationalist movement and cryonics are highly aligned. Both are about embracing the future, taking control of one's own life, and investing in a better future. Cryonics offers individuals the possibility to extend their lives, pursuit knowledge, and an opportunity to have a say in their own future. With cryonics becoming increasingly affordable and accessible, there has never been a better time to sign up. By signing up for cryonics, individuals are making a statement about their beliefs and values, and they are investing in the future that they believe in. So, don't wait any longer, sign up for cryonics today with Tomorrow Bio!