Cryonicist's Horizons

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What Happens During Cardio-Pulmonary Support (CPS) during Cryopreservation?

Explore the pivotal role of Cardio-Pulmonary Support (CPS) in Cryonics.

In the realm of cryonics, where science seeks to preserve individuals at extremely low temperatures in the hope of future revival, maintaining the integrity of tissues post-legal death is paramount. This is where Cardio-Pulmonary Support (CPS) comes into play, providing a critical bridge between the cessation of life and the initiation of the cryopreservation process.

Understanding CPS

CPS, or Cardio-Pulmonary Support, is a technique that employs chest compressions to keep blood circulating and ventilation to ensure the blood is oxygenated.


Although it might sound strikingly similar to CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation), the two have different objectives.


While CPR's primary aim is to bring someone back to life, often after cardiac arrest, CPS serves to support tissue function. It's not about resuscitating the individual, but about preserving the body's tissues in as healthy a state as possible until the next step in the cryonics procedure can be initiated.

Why is CPS Important in Cryonics?

Once an individual is declared legally dead, there is a risk of tissue damage, especially to the brain, due to a lack of oxygen and blood flow. This damage could significantly impede any chances of future revival. Hence, immediately after legal death, cryonics protocols typically incorporate the application of CPS to mitigate these risks. By ensuring circulation and oxygenation, CPS works to reduce ischemic injury and maintain tissue viability.

The Role of CPS in the Cryonics Protocol

When an individual has chosen cryonics as a post-mortem path, swift action after legal death is crucial. Trained cryonics response teams are often on standby, ready to implement CPS and other stabilization measures. These measures often include cooling the body, administering medications to reduce metabolic demand, and prevent clotting, alongside CPS.

The use of CPS ensures that tissues, especially neural tissues, remain viable during the time it takes to prepare and initiate the cryopreservation process, where the body or brain is vitrified in a glass-like state without forming ice crystals.


In the intricate choreography of cryonics, each step has its unique role, ensuring the best possible preservation of the individual for potential future revival. CPS stands as a guardian during the vulnerable phase immediately following legal death, highlighting its importance in maintaining the hope that underpins the very essence of cryonics.

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