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Data & resources

Documents and statistics for our patients

Patient Advance Directive

We recommend that all of our members create a Patient Advance Directive based on the templates provided, because in some cases it can help Tomorrow Biostasis to be more quickly notified in the event of an unexpected death. If you are admitted to a hospital incapacitated (coma, etc.) doctors will usually ask for a Patient Advance Directive. Some countries have data bases where you can upload your Patient Advance Directive so that the doctor can access it online. Otherwise, we recommend that you give a copy to your doctor and/or put it somewhere easily accessible (shared google doc, etc.) and tell your loved ones how to access it so that they can give it to the doctor in the event that you are incapacitated.

Alternative Funding Method Document

This document is for members who sign up using the Membership Only plan and do not plan to use their own insurance to fund their cryopreservation. This document can be made highly individual (not every part needs to be filled out), as members can choose how they would like to pay for the cryopreservation in the event of their death (last will, contact relative for funds, etc.). Please fill out the document and send it to your contact person at Tomorrow Biostasis or support@tomorrowbiostasis.com

Last Will

We recommend that all of our members create a hand-written or notarized last will based on the templates provided. This ensures that Tomorrow Biostasis can carry out a cryopreservation even if there are legal challenges by people (usually relatives) who do not want the patient to be cryopreserved. In most case of cryopreservation there are no legal challenges, but a last will adds extra security in case it's necessary. For the document to be legally useful you need to mail the original hand written or notarized last will to Tomorrow Biostasis, Rungestrasse 25, 10179, Berlin, Germany.

Pet Biostasis Contract

Here you can find an example of the Biostasis contract for pets. Members of Tomorrow Bio have the option to sign up their pets for cryopreservation. See more information on this option here.

Biostasis Contract

Here you can find an example of the Biostasis contract that Tomorrow Bio members receive. The contract includes a Support and Research Agreement and Last Will and Testament Regarding Body Donation. Signing the contract makes it legally possible for a cryopreservation to take place. This contract is automatically pre-populated and emailed to members after they complete the online sign up.

Member statistics
Pending Update

Full members



Cryopreserved patients
Pending Update

Whole-body cryopreservation


Brain-only cryopreservation

Top ten countries (members)
Pending Update

At the European Biostasis Foundation


Whole-body cryopreservation


Brain-only cryopreservation

Top ten countries (members)
Pending Update

Country ranking

1 France

2 Canada

3 Australia

4 Brazil

5 Japan

6 India

7 Mexico

8 South Africa

9 Italy

10 Spain













No items found.


February 23, 2024

This report outlines the procedures carried out by the Tomorrow Biostasis team on Patient 4, who went into cardiopulmonary arrest around 3 hours prior to legal death being pronounced. After receiving the patient, stabilization measures including cooling, medications, intubation and surgical peritoneal lavage were initiated. At the facility, surgical access was obtained for washout solution and cryoprotectant perfusion up to the 70% w/v target concentration, monitoring temperature, pressure, and refractive index data. Once terminal refractive index values were reached, controlled cooldown was performed including a CT brain scan, followed by gradual cooldown to cryogenic temperatures for long-term storage. The CT analysis showed excellent, uniform near-complete brain cryoprotectant perfusion. A few minor technical issues were documented like brief disruption of mechanical compression and challenges with refractive index measurement, along with their mitigations. As with the previous case, the results represent very successful comprehensive brain cryoprotection that warrants developing additional quality metrics beyond the CT-based one which was optimally achieved. Overall protocol refinements and new metric development are ongoing processes.

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February 23, 2024

This report details the procedures performed by the Tomorrow Biostasis team on Patient 3, who went into cardiopulmonary arrest around 3 hours prior to legal death being pronounced. Stabilization measures like cooling and medications were initiated promptly after receiving the patient. At the facility, surgical procedures accessed the cardiovascular system for washout and cryoprotectant perfusion in gradually increasing concentrations from 5% to the maximum 70% w/v target. Temperature, pressure, refractive index and other data was continuously monitored and recorded. Once terminal refractive index values were reached, controlled cooldown was performed including a CT brain scan during this process with calibration samples. The CT analysis showed excellent, uniform cryoprotectant perfusion throughout essentially the complete brain tissue. A few technical issues were documented like SSCD pump malfunction and challenges with intubation, along with their mitigations. Overall, the results represent a highly successful case achieving comprehensive brain cryoprotection according to the metrics used. Additional quality metrics may need to be developed since the existing CT-based one was optimally achieved.

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February 23, 2024

This report covers the case of Patient 2, whose brain was fixed in formalin by the hospital medical team after passing away before being transferred to Tomorrow Biostasis. The patient's fixed brain underwent preliminary procedures at Tomorrow's facility, including an initial CT scan and immersion in gradually increasing concentrations of a cryoprotectant solution at 4°C to allow diffusion into the brain tissue over several weeks. The concentrations used were 5% w/v for 8 weeks, 10% w/v for 5 weeks, 30% w/v for 11 weeks, with 70% w/v ongoing at the time of this report. CT scans are regularly performed to monitor changes in brain density in Hounsfield units (HU), aiming for a target density of 190 HU at 4°C which indicates full cryoprotectant perfusion. Once target concentration is achieved, the brain will undergo cooldown to cryogenic temperatures for long-term storage. A minor issue with leakage in the immersion vessel was mitigated by replacement. Further results, CT analysis, and discussion will be included in Tomorrow Biostasis' full published report upon completion.

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February 23, 2024

This report details the case of Patient 1 treated by the Tomorrow Bio team in 2023, who experienced cardiopulmonary arrest and was transferred to the team 13 hours later. Upon receiving the patient, stabilization procedures like cooling and surgical cardiovascular access were initiated for cryoprotectant perfusion, gradually increasing to a maximum 70% w/v concentration. Temperature, pressure, and refractive index data was collected throughout, and a CT brain scan at dry ice temperature was obtained prior to further cooldown and long-term storage. CT analysis revealed around 43% of target cryoprotectant levels were achieved in the brain, likely impacted by extended ischemic time before transfer and pre-existing injuries. Several technical issues were identified, with procedural improvements and equipment redesigns planned as mitigations. While not achieving full targeted cryoprotection, this early case provides valuable data for Tomorrow Biostasis to optimize techniques moving forward

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