Compared to other sectors within biomedical research and technology, cryonics is a relatively niche topic. As such, the community is still growing, and so too is research into human cryopreservation. At Tomorrow Bio, we hope to contribute to the field of biostasis, as well as provide human cryoprotection services to anyone interested in deciding how long they want to live. However, we cannot do this alone. To achieve our mission, we need support from our community. Interested in helping us but not sure how? The best way you can help is by signing up as either a Member or a Fellow.
What Are Members & Fellows
At Tomorrow Bio, we offer different services and products to anyone interested in human cryopreservation. Our two main services are an all-inclusive cryopreservation plan for Tomorrow members, and our Fellow Program. What’s the difference between them? Let’s find out.
Tomorrow Members
Tomorrow Members are individuals who have signed up for our all-inclusive cryopreservation plan. In addition, members will also be able to sign up their pets for cryopreservation.
Once someone signs up as a member, we will take care of every aspect of their procedure and long-term storage. This includes the following:
- Notification→ In most cases of death there is forewarning, meaning that someone has a condition that is steadily (and somewhat predictably) declining. When this happens, relatives, friends, or medical personnel can notify us, so that one of our SST teams can be dispatched prior to a patient’s legal death. Our teams are on call 24/7 and can be deployed even in the event of an unexpected death.
- Dispatch→ Prior to your legal death (or, in the case of an unexpected death, as soon as we get notified), the SST team will travel to a patient as quickly as possible. How this is done is determined based on where they are located. If they are within northern or central Europe, Tomorrow Bio’s SST may use our specialized ambulance to reach them. If a patient is further away, other modes of transportation may be utilized such as planes. If needed, we can reach the member by airplane. In these cases, portable cryopreservation equipment would be brought to the site.
- Local Teams→ In the event a patient passes away before our SST team can reach them, we will inform local first-aid teams (if available) of the procedure necessary to slow down the death degradation process. One of the goals of our company is to build networks of people and organizations throughout Europe who can help administer first-aid procedures while the SST is en route to patients.
- Field Cryopreservation→ Upon arrival at the site, our SST team will carry out full field cryoprotection services. The procedure will start with stabilizing the patient, and the initial cooldown of the body. The team will administer medications to reduce the metabolic load and protect tissues and cells. At the same time, oxygenated blood is circulated using a cardiopulmonary support (CPS) device. Through perfusion, the team removes all blood and water from the body and replaces it with cryoprotective agents (CPAs) to prevent ice crystal formation.
- Transportation→ Once a patient is fully perfused, the SST team can transport them to the European Biostasis Foundation’s (EBF) long-term storage facility in Rafz, Switzerland. EBF is our non-profit partner organization, which conducts research in the field of biostasis and provides a secure long-term storage facility for patients. Here, patients will undergo the process of vitrification and are cooled down further to -196°C before being placed inside a cryogenic storage dewar filled with liquid nitrogen. There they will remain until future revival is possible.
- Future Revival→ If and when medical technology has advanced enough, a patient’s underlying cause of death will be treated and they can be reanimated. We cannot say when this will happen, though there are theories as to how this may be achieved. Time in cryonics, however, isn’t an issue as patients can remain in biostasis indefinitely.
Are you wondering how much all this might cost? While the total price is €200.000, you can pay small monthly installments by taking out term life insurance. Want to know how much it would cost you monthly? Calculate your plan without commitment with the calculation below!
Whatever you pay monthly to fund your cryopreservation, it's important to note that only €25 of those are paid to Tomorrow Bio - we’ll explain how we will use them shortly. But first, there is another aspect to consider. If an all-inclusive cryopreservation plan sounds like something for you, great! But what if you’re still unsure about it and cryocrastinating your sign-up? Or maybe you’d like to, but can’t afford it right now? We’ve got you covered.
Tomorrow Fellows
For anyone interested in cryopreservation but on the fence about signing up, we also have the Tomorrow Fellow Program. This is for people who aren’t ready to sign up for cryopreservation but still want to support the scientific research and advancement of biostasis. Maybe they're a student who can’t afford it right now, or they need some time to think about it. As a Fellow, a monthly contribution of €5 is given to help support our research, and allow individuals to save up for their future cryopreservation when they become a full member. For every €5 contributed, individuals will receive €6 off their membership fee when they sign up as a full member.
But how are they helping to support Tomorrow Bio and the cryonics industry?
How You Support The Industry
Monthly contributions by Tomorrow Members & Fellows help our doctors and engineers pursue research and develop improved and state-of-the-art equipment. This allows us to carry out projects to improve our services and advance the field of biostasis.
Tomorrow Bio’s Services
First, the fee paid monthly by our members is divided between the insurance price and the membership contribution of €25. This covers the necessary expenses for medical readiness. What do we mean by this? This includes training, and maintaining medical standby teams, and keeping them on call 24/7 so they can reach patients at a moment’s notice. Fast response is in fact one of the key elements of high-quality cryopreservation!
The fee also goes towards developing specialized medical equipment such as our standby ambulance and perfusion circuit. This allows us to improve our service so that members receive the best cryopreservation possible.
Research & Development (R&D)
Advancing research within the field of biostasis is important to improve human cryopreservation. There are two key objectives that are central to Tomorrow Bio’s R&D initiatives.
- What can we do to improve the quality of a cryopreservation that might happen tomorrow?
- What R&D projects can we start now or soon to advance the field of biostasis in the long-term?
Additional funds from Members & Fellows support research projects that we can use to better our services. This includes but is not limited to:
- Improving perfusion & procedures for whole-body field cryoprotection
- Optimizing existing CPAs, and developing new solutions to improve cryopreservation and reduce ischemia
- Researching efficient methods for long-term storage such as whole-body Intermediate Temperature Storage (ITS)
In a field like cryonics, every project improves upon our existing knowledge of cryoprotection and brings us one step closer to developing the necessary technology for rewarming and revival.

Why Should You Support The Industry
The cryonics industry is still a niche science that is looking to become more mainstream. With your support as a Member or Fellow, this life-saving technology can become more accessible and affordable to everyone. As our community grows, more providers like Tomorrow Bio can create, train, and equip new SSTs to reach patients. In addition, an increase in the number of members will help us reach an economy of scale which can help decrease the cost of this service per capita. Think of how many lives could potentially be saved with this technology if and when it becomes more widely available and at an affordable price.
By supporting Tomorrow Bio, you are supporting the whole field of cryonics and biostasis. Every contribution helps us improve our cryoprotection services, and expand our scientific knowledge. Whether it’s €5 or €25 a month, your support matters to us, and to the industry. Do you want to make a difference in our work?
You can do so by signing up. Not sure where to start? Check out our website to sign up as a Member or Fellow, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via Discord, or schedule a call. For more information, check out Tomorrow Insight where we have articles about what you can expect when you sign up with us. Check them out, and see you tomorrow!