Human cryopreservation can be a complex subject, but we have done our best to make it simple. For example, our sign-up process is quick and completely online. Are you thinking of signing up for cryonics with Tomorrow Bio but first want to know in detail how to do it step by step? Don't worry, we've got it covered.
Step 1 - Sign Up Online
First of all, visit our website ( and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right of the homepage. By doing this, you are redirected to the sign-up page where you have to enter some information:
- First, you are required to enter your age.
- Next, you are asked if you already have insurance to cover your cryopreservation. Answer "no" if you want to take out term life insurance with our insurance partner. In case you want to finance your cryopreservation with an alternative method instead, select "yes".
- You can choose to add an extra 10€ per month to support Biostasis research. R&D is very important in our field and each investment counts!
- At this point, it’s time to enter your email. This is the email we will use to contact you.
- We then ask you to accept the privacy policy and terms & conditions. Feel free to click on the underlined terms (either here or at sign-up), to inform yourself before accepting them.
Once you are done answering these questions, the page is going to show you the cost estimate for your plan. First, you see a summary of the total monthly payment. This includes the fixed membership fee of 25€ per month, the research support of 10€ per month (if selected), the estimated price of the term life insurance, and the duration of the coverage (in case you have selected that you don’t have insurance). At the bottom you can find an explanation of what’s included in your plan.

All clear? Click on the 'Next' button to go to the checkout page, showing a recap to your plan. By clicking “Next” again you get to the final pop-up where you have to enter your contact information.
- Enter your email and personal information such as your full name, your phone number, and your date and city of birth.
- Next you have to give your billing address followed by your payment method. You can pay using credit card, debit card, Paypal and SEPA. As the monthly payments will be automated, please select the payment method that best suits your needs! In any case, you will be able to change it later.

Finally, confirm the order and… congratulations! You are successfully signed up with Tomorrow Bio. You will now receive your Biostasis contract by email.
Please note: at the time of registration, your payment will only include the membership fee of 25€ (and research support if selected). If you have applied for insurance through our partner, you can request it in step 3. In the meantime, you obviously won't have to pay the monthly insurance fee, as it hasn’t been taken out yet. Also, remember that you won’t be fully covered until the insurance company accepts your request! Don't wait to do the two missing steps to complete your sign-up with Tomorrow Bio.
Step 2 - Biostasis Contract
Now it’s time to check your emails. A few minutes after you complete your online sign-up, we will send you your Biostasis Contract by email. In case you haven’t received it in your inbox, please check your spam folder. The contract is in English or in German, but you can find a convenience translation. No other languages would be legally binding.
All you have to do is digitally sign the contract to legally formalize the agreement.
Below, we explain what you will find in the 14 pages of your contract. In case you want to have a look at it, you can find an example contract at this link.
- Support and research agreement: your personal information should be automatically prefilled in the contract. If any information is incorrect, you can fix it in the top fields of the contract.
- Preamble: here you legally confirm your wish to be cryopreserved.
- Subject matter of the contract: this section explains in detail all the information about the cryopreservation agreement.
- Amount of support and benefits: check this part to know about financial rights and obligations.
- Use of the amount of support: read here about the allocation of the resources.
- Cryopreservation of the body donation: this section defines terms and conditions necessary for your cryopreservation.
- Purpose of the contract and liability: here we make clear that the purpose of the contract is primarily the implementation of cryopreservation.
- Contract period & Severability Clause and Final Contract Provisions: find here information on the duration and a possible termination of the contract.
- Last will and testament regarding body donation: this is the part of the contract that makes your cryopreservation legally possible. At the bottom, you can digitally sign the contract.
The document we send you is already set up so that you can sign it. You do not need any previous knowledge for it ;).
We know that this is a lot of information and we want our members to be informed about every step of this agreement. Take your time to read and sign the agreement - but do not wait too long to finish your registration. Remember that you aren't covered yet!
Step 3 - Set Up Standby and Storage Funding
Now, while the first two steps are the same for everyone, the third depends on the method you choose to finance your standby and long-term storage. If, during the online sign-up, you answered “no” to the question “Do you have existing insurance to pay for cryopreservation?”, then you will receive the Term Life Insurance Form by email. If you answered “yes”, you will instead receive instructions on how to change the beneficiary of your insurance to Tomorrow Bio. If you would like to use a funding method other than insurance, email our team and we will send you our Alternative Funding Method Document.
Term Life Insurance Form
So you have decided that you want to take out term life insurance to finance your cryopreservation. Certainly, this is the most common method, as it’s fairly affordable. If you are in your early twenties and healthy, the monthly cost of your policy would be around 20€. Adding this to the price of the membership fee, you would spend 45€ per month. Practically as much as a dinner for two. Not much in return for a chance at an extended life, right?
The only disadvantage of this option is that it has an expiry date (usually in your 60s or 70s). You will therefore have to organize an alternative funding method (e.g. whole life insurance) that can take over if you live past the end of your term life insurance coverage.
In any case, let us return to the moment when you have just signed up for cryopreservation with Tomorrow Bio. You have selected “no” to the question “Do you have existing insurance to pay for cryopreservation?”. In your inbox (or perhaps in the spam folder) you receive the application to fill out for the insurance. The application form is in English or in German. No other languages are accepted by our insurance partner.
- First, you have to enter your general information (name, date of birth, right of residence, etc.).
- Fill in all fields and go to the second page, where you are asked about your profession and smoking behavior.
- On the third page, you find a series of questions about your medical history. As this is a risk policy, the insurance company has to assess the risk based on your age and how healthy you are. If you suffer from any diseases, you will be asked to specify what type of illness it is and since when you have been suffering from it.
Be honest when filling in the insurance form. While it’s not important that you write down the chicken pox you had 15 years ago, current illness and medical problems you’ve had within the last 5 years must be noted. Should you die of an illness that you concealed to the insurance company during your application, they could refuse to pay the agreed premium (Obviously, this doesn't concern illnesses contracted after the insurance was signed). This puts your cryopreservation at stake. But as long as you are honest on the insurance form, you don’t need to worry.
Once you have completed this step, you only have to wait for the insurance company to accept your application. On average, this takes a couple of weeks. In some cases, the insurance company may have follow up questions which we will communicate with you. Before the insurance finalization you will receive a final price estimate. If you are relatively healthy and don’t smoke then the price will be very similar to the estimate you got during sign-up. After you accept the price and receive confirmation, you are covered!

Alternative Funding Method Document
What if you prefer to use an alternative funding method e.g. your savings, whole life insurance, last will? In this case, you receive, also by email, the Alternative Funding Method Document (again, in English or German). You can view a copy of this document at this link.
It will be up to you to fill in the form with all necessary information. Moreover, it will be up to you to organize the method you choose. For instance, if you decide to leave us the agreed amount by last will, you will have to take care of writing it down. Notarizing the will and sending us a copy could make this funding method more secure.
It‘s important to note that alternative funding methods are less secure than term life insurance. For instance, if you rely on a third party, who will provide the sum after your legal death, they may refuse or may take their time and delay the procedure. If you decide to take this route, you need to understand that there is a risk that the funding won’t be possible and therefore your cryopreservation can’t take place.
Signing up for cryonics with Tomorrow Bio is quite simple. The three steps can be completed in a short time. Once you have joined as a member, you will receive a Welcome Box by post (yeah, this can't be sent by email!). There you will find your wristband, your ID card and all the necessary documents to ensure a high quality cryopreservation.
Are you convinced? Sign up here. Or schedule a call and ask us all the questions you want.