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Comparison between Model-Free vs Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

The key differences between Model-Free and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning.

Reinforcement learning has been a popular area of research for many years and has been applied to various fields such as robotics, gaming, and decision-making systems. It has been used to develop agents that can learn to make appropriate decisions based on their experiences and interact with their environments. Reinforcement learning can be broadly classified into two categories: model-based and model-free. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two categories and examine their advantages and disadvantages. We will also look at popular algorithms used in each category and their potential applications.

Understanding Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a fascinating field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach machine learning. It is a type of machine learning that deals with learning through trial and error, where an agent learns to make decisions in an environment, and the decisions it makes lead to rewards or penalties. The objective of the agent is to learn the optimal sequence of actions that leads to maximum rewards.

Reinforcement learning is inspired by the way humans learn from the environment. Just like a child learns to walk by taking small steps and adjusting based on the feedback received, an agent in reinforcement learning learns to make decisions by taking actions and receiving feedback from the environment.

Key Concepts in Reinforcement Learning

There are several key concepts in reinforcement learning that are important to understand. One such concept is the Markov Decision Process (MDP), which models the decision-making process as a Markov process. MDP is a mathematical framework that allows us to model the environment and the agent's interaction with it. It assumes that the current state of the environment is sufficient to make a decision and that the future state depends only on the current state and the action taken.

Another important concept is the reward function, which determines the consequences of the actions taken. The agent's objective is to maximize the long-term reward, which means that it must take into account not only immediate rewards but also future rewards. The reward function can be defined in various ways, depending on the problem at hand. For example, in a game of chess, the reward function could be defined as winning the game, while in a self-driving car, the reward function could be defined as reaching the destination safely.

Discount factor is another key concept in reinforcement learning. It is a parameter that determines the importance of future rewards relative to immediate rewards. A discount factor of 0 means that only immediate rewards are important, while a discount factor of 1 means that future rewards are equally important as immediate rewards.

 Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning

The Role of Agents and Environments

Reinforcement learning involves two fundamental components: agents and environments. The agent interacts with the environment by taking actions and receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties. The environment, in turn, responds to the actions taken by the agent. The agent's goal is to learn the optimal sequence of actions that leads to maximum rewards in a given environment.

The environment can be anything from a simple game to a complex system like a self-driving car. The agent's actions can be discrete, such as moving left or right, or continuous, such as changing the speed of a car. The agent's actions are determined by a policy, which is a mapping from states to actions.

The agent's learning process can be divided into two phases: exploration and exploitation. In the exploration phase, the agent tries out different actions to learn about the environment. In the exploitation phase, the agent uses the knowledge gained in the exploration phase to make decisions that maximize the long-term reward.

Reinforcement learning has many applications in various fields, such as robotics, game playing, and recommendation systems. It is a promising field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach machine learning.

Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

Model-free reinforcement learning is a category of reinforcement learning algorithms that do not require a model of the environment to operate. Model-free algorithms learn directly from experience or trial-and-error and use the feedback they receive to update their internal policies or value functions. Model-free algorithms operate in the absence of complete knowledge of the environment dynamics or a transition model.

What is Model-Free Reinforcement Learning?
Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

Overview of Model-Free Methods

There are several model-free methods used in reinforcement learning, each with its own unique characteristics. One such method is Temporal Difference Learning, which updates the value function estimates based on the difference between the predicted and actual rewards. Another popular method is Monte Carlo Learning, which updates the value function estimates based on the complete episode experiences.

Temporal Difference Learning (TD) is a model-free method that combines the ideas of dynamic programming and Monte Carlo methods. TD learning updates the value function estimates based on the difference between the predicted and actual rewards. This method is computationally efficient and can learn online, making it a popular choice for many reinforcement learning applications.

Monte Carlo Learning is another model-free method that estimates the value function by simulating complete episodes of the environment. This method is unbiased and can learn from incomplete episodes, making it a good choice for environments with long episodes or sparse rewards.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Model-free algorithms are less computationally intensive than model-based algorithms and can be used in large, complex environments. They also have the ability to learn from raw sensory inputs. However, model-free algorithms can suffer from issues such as high variance and slower convergence rates.

One advantage of model-free algorithms is that they can learn directly from experience, without the need for a model of the environment. This makes them well-suited for environments where the dynamics are unknown or difficult to model.

However, model-free algorithms can suffer from high variance and slower convergence rates compared to model-based algorithms. This is because they rely on sampling to estimate the value function, which can lead to noisy estimates and slower convergence.

Popular Model-Free Algorithms


Q-Learning is a popular model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that uses a Q-Table to learn the optimal action to take in a given state. The Q-Table is a matrix that stores the expected rewards for all possible state/action pairs. The algorithm iteratively updates the Q-Table until it converges to the optimal policy.

One advantage of Q-Learning is that it is simple and easy to implement. It is also guaranteed to converge to the optimal policy under certain conditions. However, Q-Learning can suffer from high variance and slow convergence in large, complex environments.


SARSA (State-Action-Reward-State-Action) is another popular model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that is similar to Q-Learning. However, SARSA takes into account the actual action taken in addition to the expected action when updating the Q-Table. This makes SARSA more conservative than Q-Learning and often results in better convergence rates and lower variance.

One advantage of SARSA is that it is less sensitive to noise and can handle stochastic environments better than Q-Learning. However, SARSA can be more computationally expensive than Q-Learning due to the need to store additional information about the current state and action.

Deep Q-Networks (DQN)

DQN is a recent advancement in model-free reinforcement learning that uses deep neural networks to approximate the Q-Table. The neural network takes the environment state as input and outputs the expected rewards for all possible actions. DQN has been successfully applied to complex video games but suffers from high variance and instability during training.

One advantage of DQN is that it can handle high-dimensional state spaces, making it well-suited for image-based environments. However, DQN can be unstable during training and may require additional techniques such as experience replay and target networks to improve stability and convergence.

Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Model-based reinforcement learning is a category of reinforcement learning algorithms that require a model of the environment to operate. Model-based algorithms learn the dynamics of the environment from experience and use the learned model to predict the outcomes of actions.

Model-Based Reinforcement Learning:Theory and Practice – The Berkeley  Artificial Intelligence Research Blog
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning | Image Credit: Berkley Artificial Intelligence Research

Overview of Model-Based Methods

There are several model-based methods used in reinforcement learning, each with its own unique characteristics. One such method is Dynamic Programming, which involves solving the Bellman equations iteratively to learn the optimal policy. Another popular method is Monte Carlo Tree Search, which performs a tree search over possible action sequences to learn the optimal policy.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Model-based algorithms can learn the dynamics of the environment more accurately and efficiently than model-free algorithms. They can also learn in situations where model-free algorithms may fail. However, model-based algorithms are computationally intensive and require more processing power and memory.

Popular Model-Based Algorithms

Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)

MCTS is a popular model-based reinforcement learning algorithm that is often used in games such as chess and Go. MCTS performs a search over the possible action sequences in the environment and uses the learned model to predict the outcomes of the actions. MCTS has been successful in learning effective policies in complex environments.


Dyna-Q is a combination of model-based and model-free reinforcement learning algorithms. It uses the learned model of the environment to plan future actions and updates the Q-Table based on the results of the planned actions. Dyna-Q has been successfully applied to various environments and has been shown to improve performance compared to using a model-free algorithm alone.

Probabilistic Inference for Learning Control (PILCO)

PILCO is a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm that uses Gaussian process regression to model the dynamics of the environment. PILCO has been used in various robotics tasks and has been proven to be effective in learning accurate models of the environment.


Model-free and model-based reinforcement learning algorithms have their own unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Model-free algorithms are less computationally intensive and can be used in large, complex environments, but suffer from high variance and slower convergence rates. Model-based algorithms can learn the dynamics of the environment more accurately and efficiently, but are computationally intensive and require more processing power and memory. The choice of algorithm depends on the specific task and environment, and it is important to choose the one that is best suited for the task.

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